Seeds of Peace in Rural Moldovan Communities
May- December 2021
implemented by: Active Commons e.V. and AO Lucid Impact (Moldova)
supported by: Federal Foreign Office, Germany (ÖPR program)
FKZ: AZ30210172
The project “Seeds of Peace in Rural Moldovan Communities” was implemented in 2021 by the local partner in the Republic of Moldova – Public Association „Lucid Impact“ in partnership with the association “Active Commons” with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
The main idea of the project “Seeds of Peace in Rural Moldovan Communities” was to provide young people from different regions of Moldova (including Transnistria and Gagauzia) an opportunity to work together on a common goal to experience teamwork and to discover more about diversity and culture in different regions. It was aimed to contribute to mitigation of stereotypes and increasing the level of trust between individuals and groups of (young) people from the regions touched by the historical and „frozen“ conflicts. At the same time, it aimed to develop the intercultural capacities and conflict management skills of young people by providing the space for common work on small projects, visiting each other and learning from each other’s experience and perspective.
In frames of the project participants went through a series of seminars and meetings (partly online), discovering together new perspectives and understanding other people and themselves. The program consisted of several online workshops and residential events.
The approach of the project is to combine peace education with methods of non-formal education, focusing on the needs of each particular community, group or individual. The participants could pilot several methods and then develop their own small projects (e.g. a series of activities in a community, sport competition, video spots, online group, exhibitions, workshops, meetings with experts, clubs on interests, outdoor camps, board games) and other diverse activities developed and implemented by participants, based on the needs of their communities to solve particular problems.